Hi everyone,Lets talk health 

How to improve the quality of sperm

Sperm is an essential element in procreation, moreover four times out of ten infertility comes from the deterioration of sperm and the mobility deficiency of spermatozoa. Semen deficiency does not only affect the ability to conceive, but it affects the feeling of pleasure in the couple during sexual activities. Abundant ejaculations intensify the sensation of pleasure in women who covet powerful sperm jets in the vagina. To improve the fertility of your sperm, you have to change your lifestyle and apply rules that improve your daily hygiene.

To achieve good sperm quality:

-Get enough sleep
-Stop smoking and / or using drugs
-Avoid stressful situations in your daily life
-Have enough physical activity
-Protect your testicles against hyperthermia (avoid pants and underwear too fair, avoid going to the sauna too often and frequently take hot baths.
-Do not put your cell phone in the pants pocket (negative influence possible by short frequency radiation). This also applies to the laptop on the lap.
-It is recommended to make love regularly
-Ejaculation every two or three days is recommended.
-Remember, sperm is a liquid from which it is important to drink between 2 and 3 liters of water a day to maintain sufficient hydration and increase the volume of your ejaculations.

#Some remedies to improve sperm fertility.

To boost sperm,

Mix 250 g almonds and 250 g walnuts in the processor, add 500 g real liquid honey. Take 2 teaspoonfuls in the morning on an empty stomach and in the evening before bedtime for 40 days.

To increase the amount of sperm,

- eat banana or drink it in juice.
- Prepare a 15-minute decoction of a root attachment of Guiera senegalensis for 1 liter of water. Cool, strain and drink half a cup after meals.

- Mix 100g of honey and 10g of black cumin (nigella seeds) and consume each morning on an empty stomach and every evening before going to bed
- Mix 200g of honey with 100g of nettle and consume this mixture.
- Add in a soup of meat 1 tablespoon of powder of green roots of Acacia albida and consume each night (during 7 days)
- Take half a teaspoon of a mixture of roots of Fagara zanthoxyloides and Tamarindus indica or the powder of the bark of these two plants in half a glass of hot water. Let cool, filter and drink after meals
- Consume a lot of honey mixed with bee pollen.

Hope this helps😍😍



Maagborwelisane said…
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Unknown said…
Great educative words❤
Maagborwelisane said…
I am it was helpful dear...thankuii
Maagborwelisane said…
I appreciate your encouragement
Maagborwelisane said…
#I am glad it was helpful

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